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UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Duke of Death
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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:34 am

who erased military standard and building manual i added?and why?
that's all i want to know...
also,this is not page i saw when i was in HA Jr...you tend to blame nlarso for everything...yet,you allowed yourself to boot HA-HA council member...lol...HA Jr is not your alliance to do what you want...it is established by HA-HA so smaller players don't get into trouble when big guys start war...we will always be here to protect you,if you are unfairly targeted...but to start or call for your own wars,when you obviously have better things to do(such as growing) is unacceptable...
this internal is ineffective,because it can't be applied on your members.
they can't afford to have units in every town,regardless of town size...
i spent many hours to try and give them goal they can achieve...
only for you to erase it without explanation...you may think your internal is the best possible...problem is,you don't have results to support your claims...that makes your move even worse...
btw,you don't ask tim if council member has or hasn't rights to hold positions in HA Jr...you ask CA...or council member in question to explain it to you...


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:09 am

"Ours is not to reason why.......its just to DO or DIE"

We have 2 leaders in HAHA that can make structural changes to the Trainee alliance as they feel appropriate.

Us minions and laborers that fall under that Leadership should find ways to create a more cohesive group.

I feel with my direct presence in Ha Jr that we have placed HAHA's finger on the pulse of HA Jr and have a direct line into our training alliance that we can work out solutions later.

Right now we have a public DOW that must be addressed whether it be towards HAHA or HA Jr.

Let's work on fixing or finishing the DOW work at hand and we'll argue symantics later on what needs to be changed structurally.

Steam Giant

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:36 am

To Damir:
Is there any way we can keep the personal attacks out of this? Also, the internal page you were looking for was written by nlarso. You will need to ask him if he has a copy. If that sounded like an accusation, I am sorry.

The original internal page I reposted allows for a lot of choices to be made by the individual player, allowing them to explore the game, build what they want, and ask questions. Sure, I get the question: "How can I build those troops, I am too small!" I reply with- "Can you build up your warehouses so you don't ever have more than 3000 lootable resources?" or maybe with "I see you have a level 4 town... You have the point count to fully garrison that."

If you want to talk about the ins and outs of that internal page, please pm me. There is a lot of back and forth going on in this thread that has nothing to do with UPC.

To Carsear:
Lets settle this for once and for all- was Sir Damir expected to take over HA Jr? If so, can we make this happen? You offered marble and wood to me. Perhaps it's Sir Damir you should be offering it to. I am willing to step out of the driver's seat anytime you guys make a decision about how you want to do that.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:20 am

I propose we keep things the same and set aside the differences. Send support, players and troops to Ha Ha Jr and let KS and players have at it.

After the war, we might rotate a new leader in and bring KS into the council or something just to keep it fresh and fun.

I have been in 2 training alliances myself and we have alot of talent in HaHa. We could make things easier on KS if we need to. Lets just win the war.


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:05 am

i still want to know who erased things i added and why?
you should also quit with lies...don't blame nlarso for something he didn't do...
he wasn't even there when i came...
i wasn't there to take over,so you weren't under threat...i said that upon my arrival...i'm not interested in taking over,despite your accusations...
how do you think i could do the job if not by holding general and HS,to inspect troops and resources...that's how i found out what's going on actually...
so,answer the question and admit your mistake...apology would be nice too...
i honestly believe you shouldn't be leading HA Jr...as i said before...your membership in council is also questionable after all we saw...


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by nowhale Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:19 pm

I still don't think we should DOW. We can move over and fight, and hold HaHa down with a skeleton crew, while we move over to HaHa Jr and whoop ass. I'm sure once we start moving UPC will start whining anyways.

Male Number of posts : 232
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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:23 pm

Yep. Move over warriors. Keep supply lines open.

Mess with infra-structure later. Give KS a small break to grow and and we can retool Haha Jr. SirDamir has some good ideas. Worthy of a new thread for teaching these items.


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:38 pm


OK, Damir. Let's take the personal issues off this thread. I sent you a pm. Can you open another thread to hash out your hard feelings in regards to HA Jr?

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:49 pm

...and to everyone else...

My intention on keeping this war between HA Jr and UPC was not to disrespect HAHA in any way. I am very sorry if I ruffled any feathers, or came off like I was trying to maintain control of HaHa Jr by fighting our own battles... for the sake of my own ego. That was never, ever the case.

I only wanted HAHA to keep their tag out of the war because if HAHA had co-declared, UPC would have capitulated immediatly. Their diplomat told me that was the case. I know a few HAHA members came over to HA Jr and went thru a lot of expense to deploy into our area, and I wanted them to have a chance for some fun.

All I wanted was what is best for HA Jr. When the troubles with UPC started, their diplomats would not even talk to us about the issues- and why should they? We were a very weak alliance on the alliance highscore board. I thought the best way to maintan prestige for the Hammer family would be to show UPC, and every other alliance on the server, that HA Jr did not stand alone. I am deeply sorry if I offended anyone.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by -space- Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:30 pm

cheers ------------------BREAK IT UP GUYS----------------- cheers

Lets stop the bickering for a moment....

war is already halfway finished. we just needed to hammer the remaining nails in the UPC coffin. unless C-4 and OLY intervenes, we got this one in the bag. i think this will be over before the holidays start. well hopefully. lol!

i agree that there were errors in the past leadership of Ha-Jr as to why we have this scenario, but i think that it has to be rectified after this situation, KS and company should do all efforts to cleanse Ha-Jr of naive and inactive members.

nobody needs to step on each others toes. lets support each other.

i still remember the BGD situation, not everyone was fond of that war, but unity still triumphed and we all headed the same direction no matter what.

we are all hammers after all.

Pirate King
Pirate King

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by ceaser angus Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:20 pm

For record if it seems like I am not paying attention to things--- I AM!.... I am quite busy with work right now. For those of you that do not know I work retail(selling cameras) for a living. It means I can not log in much until after Christmas.

As far a UPC is concerned lets get this finished and have some fun. KS please work things out with Snow he/she seems like a good sort. Set some limits as to what you want to happen.. total points delt in damage, resources lost ect.. HA HA should remain neutral other than sending aid or no more than 10 more fighters...

Last edited by ceaser angus on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:49 pm

A small situation has come up in the UPC theater:

Wadey from the alliance Turtle Nation sends the following message:

1h 15m 88 Ships Hades (Duke of Death) Antique (Wadey)

Honestly we dont want to meddle on your war but if taunted we wont hesitate to join.. Is this a case of a wrong target or asking us to for a challenge?

How would council like me to handle this?

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by nowhale Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:46 pm

tell Wadey that you'll get back to him. In the meantime, message DoD. Also, check the town it's being sent to. Wouldn't surprise me that it's beside a UPC town. If it is, recall it.

Male Number of posts : 232
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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by nowhale Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:47 am

Now, what do we do about this? Y'all prolly got the same circ I did.


hi all- anyone know reza3003, city Xplosion on 47-58, alliance UPC? 600K player, reamed me 5 times today. just coming back from a few month absence and could use some help getting some resources back, and teaching him that HaHa isnt someone to go messing with. im on the east coast of the US and usually on after 10 pm. thanks all.


Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:00 am

Well I would treat it as a 1v1 situation. Since HaHa isnt at war and we have all our fighters in HaHa Jr.

Just to be clear. All these fighters from other alliances are joining UPC for action. Its just like us aiding HaHa Jr. UPC's numbers have grown.


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:26 am

War update:

Playa is here, and hopefully will take charge of the war. He asked that I get a 10 most wanted list up on our internal page. I went down the highscore board and chose the 10 UPC members with the highest military score and have them posted with their coordinates. FYI: Reeza3003 is one of them, ranked #8 (with #1 being the highest MS score.)

Some UPC are still in the game, increasing their MS scores. Some are hitting the vacation button or dropping tag. I think, on the whole, they still want to play, so I think everyone is pretty happy with the status quo.

As far as the original HA Jrs go, a few have picked up on the war thing and are doing great. A great majority of them, however, have become unresponsive. I think they are overwhelmed by the huge numbers of incomprehensable (to them) circulars. I'm trying to do outreach, but it is like shouting down an empty well. My private messages to them get lost in page after page of CR reports, spy reports, deployment news and just plain chatter. On the whole, this experiment has been a failure. Not a dismal failure, but not what I was hoping to acheive.

I'm getting feedback from a lot of the HAHA players that have moved over they are still having fun, and still thirsting for UPC blood, so I think we should just continue with the current plan, but I'm open to suggestions from (almost) any council member.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:34 am

KS wrote:I'm open to suggestions from (almost) any council member.

Keep it to yourself. No one cares. Further, people's total scores here are nearly double, some triple than yours. You should be all ears.


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:38 am

"KS please work things out with Snow he/she seems like a good sort. Set some limits as to what you want to happen.. total points delt in damage, resources lost ect.."

A quick FYI: Snow is not the UPC diplomat. Currently Elle Jade is, and I am keeping in contact with her. I think she has a few members who want to keep the fight going, and I KNOW there are some HAHA members here still having a great time. I'm willing to accept the simple terms that the UPC diplomat does not ever refuse to acknowledge messages from the HA Jr diplomat ever again, with the understanding that if it happens, UPC will be dealing with HAHA (not HA Jr) toot-sweet.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:51 am

brbdc wrote:Keep it to yourself. No one cares. Further, people's total scores here are nearly double, some triple than yours. You should be all ears.

If you guys don't want reports, I have no problem with that. If you do, let me know and I'll keep checking in and keeping you posted. I figured you might want to know what is going on, and also keep you aprised of the challenges the new HA Jr leader will be up against when the HAHA guys here are done having their fun.

It has already been fairly well established that most of you guys are bigger than me. Not sure why that is getting tossed up in my face yet again.

I am all ears- except for people who contunue unproductive personal attacks. Pretty sick of those, and other than agreeing to turning over the training alliance and leaving the Hammer family, (which I believe is the future plan) I don't know what else you guys want of me.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:58 am

KS, this aint a hate thread. We want reports.... WITHOUT the snide comments and cheap shots. You only look bad when you do my quoted portion above.

Leave it off your future posts or don't post.

My Mom used to say, "if you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything at all."


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by ceaser angus Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:09 pm

In KS defense he has been lambasted pretty hard.. an not KS the intention is not to take it over just to make sure you support we failed to issue in the first place.. I am pleased that we now have you on the forums posting.

So this goes for everyone here we big boys no more throwing stones at each other.. :-)
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:13 pm

You are right, brbdc. I should not have done that. To quote a very wise man:

"we are real persons...our words are real...game is not real...when you intentionally hurt someone's feelings,don't expect him/her to say you're the best man around..."

I guess I'm still feeling pretty butt-sore myself for the ongoing reaming I've been taking.

I am sorry, everyone, and welcome to any proactive suggestions from ANY council member, and will inact anything you guys decide on to make the impending future transition run as smoothly as possible.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by -space- Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:16 am

im sure everyone will be in better mode soon. cheers

Pirate King
Pirate King

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by KS Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:01 am

I'm in talks w/ Elle Jade, the acting diplomat. She is using some fairly standard stall tactics. UPC is doing more running and hiding than fighting. I think they want to hold out until after the holidays when some of their larger accounts come back from vacation.

I would like to put out a deadline for the issue to be resolved- Say Dec 20th? At that point HA Jr will bow out. Any thoughts?

I have sent terms: simply put- 1) UPC recognizes HA Jr as a training alliance. UPC is allowed to whack HA JR farms ONE TIME, then the HA Jr will be given ONE WEEK to understand why they are farming and rectify the situation. (If they need more time, I can send support troops, depending on how dire the situation is.) If the HA Jr refuses to comply, they are booted for UPC to prey on indefinately. 2) UPC diplomat will ALWAYS respond to messages sent to them from HA Jr. officers.

Number of posts : 51
Location : HA Jr
Registration date : 2010-11-29

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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

Post by Guest Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:12 am

Here are the 5 terms I would give them... keeping in mind that I would drop the even numbered ones. Diplomacy is an art. But as the war gets longer, one sided wars tend to even out.

1. UPC must publicly apologize for hitting a training alliance.
2. UPC must kick their highest Military score player
3. UPC must keep all military scores below 5k until Jan. 1st
4. UPC must sent 1000 spears with cooks against the towns wall of our choosing.
5. UPC must promise to not target players below 75k total score anymore.


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UPC vs. HaHa Jr - Page 2 Empty Re: UPC vs. HaHa Jr

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