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Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Ranger Will
ceaser angus
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:45 pm

20:11 *** ceaser joined #Lost's_Dingy
HI! Type something to get our attention! Very Happy
Topic set by TigerEyes on Mon Jun 07 2010 09:59:01 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
20:12 ceaser Hi
20:12 Drogon Hi
20:12 Drogon Just a sec I'll get Tiger for you
20:12 ceaser no worrys thanks
20:13 TigerEyes You rang Smile
20:13 TigerEyes hey ceaser
20:13 *** Drogon quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
20:14 ceaser lol sorry I had to work so late today
20:14 TigerEyes well i've been trying to watch all day here lol
20:14 TigerEyes good thing the house was empty here today
20:14 ceaser lol
20:14 TigerEyes lol
20:15 TigerEyes So I need to know what all lost told you about BigGayDave (aka Agent Zero)
20:15 ceaser Just that there were some issues with the way he talked to jazz and you, plus the pillaging
20:16 ceaser pilaging 1 vs 1 I have no issue with, 1 vs 1 retalition is accepted in return
20:16 ceaser did I miss any thing
20:17 TigerEyes Ok i was 2v1'd were you aware of that?
20:17 TigerEyes bgd blocked my port while devil attacked my mwc
20:18 TigerEyes and I had never set foot around bgd or devil at all
20:18 ceaser ya devil will do that sometimes, BGD askd for help before we knew what had happened...
20:18 ceaser except for a mwc on BGD's home island?
20:18 TigerEyes that was about 12 hrs after my floater was there
20:19 TigerEyes and after he called in his friends to defend his town he gave a time limit and went back on it ... did not free the ports
20:19 TigerEyes I am not whining here I just want you to know what kind of player bgd is
20:20 ceaser seee escalation can be kind of rough sometimes, He really had a family emergency come up when this was going on, I think some his timing was off.
20:21 ceaser ok so would it take to get the mwc's removed?
20:21 TigerEyes Well i have experience with him in past as well .. so I won't be swayed in my opinion of him sorry :s
20:21 TigerEyes Ok as a show of faith I have called back a portion of the military I called to the area
20:21 ceaser fair enough, I will go into that later in a week or 2
20:22 ceaser fi you are willing to pull all of them back, would a 14 day NAP solve this?
20:23 TigerEyes The problem is with bgd on vaca mode we can not resolve this as quickly as we'd like, but here is what we'd like to see happen
20:23 ceaser ok please tell me
20:23 TigerEyes The guys bgd hit would have 7 days for a true 1v1 against him should they choose
20:24 TigerEyes that would be Trane, Bloggs, Argos or Drogon
20:24 ceaser ok but it must truely be a 1 vs 1 , not all of them at the same time
20:24 TigerEyes Correct i will watch it and pull back anything
20:24 TigerEyes that is not a true 1v1
20:25 TigerEyes that has to be on his part too meaning no defenders in the towns
20:25 TigerEyes but their own
20:25 ceaser sounds fair...
20:25 ceaser I can control that from my end..
20:26 TigerEyes Ok the other thing is he needs to send a formal apology to Miss Jazz our Diplomat
20:26 TigerEyes He was Rude to her in many ways and uncalled for
20:28 ceaser mmmm that may be harder than I would hope for. I can not promise that but I can try on that one.
20:29 TigerEyes The mwc's will stay till it happens I am sorry about that as that is one thing we do not tolerate internally
20:30 TigerEyes I have been asked for those two things only
20:30 TigerEyes he just needs to say he's sorry for the way he spoke to her and that is it
20:31 ceaser ok I can guarranty the 1 vs 1 when he returns, as for the apology I can not say yes to it until he is back...
20:31 TigerEyes How long till he gets back
20:34 ceaser no clue,
20:34 ceaser he is in v mode on delta also
20:34 TigerEyes hmmm
20:35 TigerEyes I have to say to start something detaged
20:35 TigerEyes then hide behind the alliance is a dirty underhanded thing to do and should be treated as such
20:35 ceaser I do not disagree with you
20:36 ceaser this merger did not go a smoothly as I had hoped, plus I lost a good person because of it.
20:36 TigerEyes I am sorry to hear taht
20:36 TigerEyes but this is not going to go away
20:36 TigerEyes I have several guys still poised and I'm getting pressured to do something
20:36 TigerEyes I have been telling them taht bgd is the only one that we wanted
20:37 TigerEyes that's the only thing holding them back at the moment
20:37 TigerEyes I'm sure you understand what it's like to have guys ready to go and close the gates on them LOL
20:38 ceaser so you stay in a holding pattern until he comes back. I see that creamaid got a multi account ban
20:41 TigerEyes ok i see that as well
20:41 TigerEyes has her hands full
20:41 ceaser and godly1981 dam that sucks
20:42 TigerEyes ok we stay in a holding some guys will lift the mwc's in the area and some won't I will keep my presence there as will Drogon on bgd's island
20:42 TigerEyes Did you know cream ran two accounts?
20:43 ceaser nope but it makes some sense, he was still getting way to much information from hetre after he left
20:44 ceaser I personally booted godly for being disruptive..
20:44 TigerEyes LOL
20:44 TigerEyes Gotta say gutzy though LOL sorry
20:44 ceaser ok so it is a holding pattern until BGD returns, I will tell the rest on the leadership
20:45 ceaser lol yes it was
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

Male Number of posts : 399
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Switch Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:26 am

In my eyes we just gave them way to much. BGD pillaged them before jioning us, then they decide to drop 2 MWC's on his home island and now they ask for a 1v1 (with 4 players? huh) and an apology?

I say we give them neither, or at least tell them they should recall their proxies in order to let anything happen. They think they have a position of demands and I think its a position they shouldn't have..


Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by true_illusion Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:28 am

i think we conceded way to much as well, they had 2 mwc's in place before Dave called for help...

So they were not looking at 1vs1 before Devil and Dave did their thing to him in the first place.

And there is no way that they can guarentee 1vs1, when we just greenlit 4 players to hit 1 of ours.

What if its all 4 hit 1 town one right after another but never together, its still bull shit in my opinion.

Got to go for now, will give more of my opinion later...


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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by nowhale Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:08 pm

From what I was told, the actual pillage they're retaliating for happened a long time ago, back when we had the RumR issue in GAY.

Dave said all he did this time was spy, and they took advantage of the fact that he was moving alliances for our merger to retaliate in that manner.

He should be back soon, if he's not back now.

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Ranger Will Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:57 am

I don't know how Jazz talked to him, but she is probably the sweetest person I've ever met on Ikariam.
He should apologize to her for being rude, she's an awesome person.

Ranger Will

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:56 am

When BGD gets back on , we can get his side of it. I have copys of the messages sent to dave and from him that Tiger Eyes sent me via email, however I can not ro the life of me post them here. If you would like to see them post your email here and I can send them to you.
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Reply. Not needed.

Post by AgentZer0- Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:02 pm

so some motherfuckers want some aaaa ?
[2:53:23 PM] BigGaYDave...: tell your rumr butt buddies they can have 7 days of me vs. them. ALL OF THEM.
[2:54:48 PM] BigGaYDave...: & as far as an I'm sorry, you can't take the heat, blah blah . F Them/ F You. = standard answer
[2:55:34 PM] BigGaYDave...: I'll take it out of v-mode over night tonight, pump up ms & rename all towns Rumr Sux.
[2:56:08 PM] BigGaYDave...: & I reserve the right to put MY acct. in V-mode whenever I want.
[2:56:48 PM] BigGaYDave...: I'll even drop the Tag/Alliance name for the duration.
[2:57:13 PM] BigGaYDave...: Evil or Very Mad


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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Ranger Will Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:18 pm


Ranger Will

Male Number of posts : 24
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:11 pm

As much as it looks like I conceded, I wanted to hear BGD side. So I can se you posted hear can you please break it down...?
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by -space- Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:29 am

if BGD wants to drop tag and let Rumr have a piece of him then so be it....but only for 7 days and BGD has the right to go into Vmode.

after that, all previous matters shall be dismissed coz he is now with Ha-Ha!

if they still harrass BGD/Agent Zero then we will all step in to defend or declare war against Rumr.

Pirate King
Pirate King

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Switch Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:49 pm

Looks like some mis-communication as dave never attacked them and they dropped 2 MWC's on him just because of some spy reports.


Number of posts : 39
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:18 am

This is my position on the whole situation.

BGD was GAY and his issues were pertinent to GAY with 38 members to stand with him.......regardless.

Now that he has accquired 60 more members to his arsenal then I would say that BGD carries bigger guns.

Despite all the rhetoric and talk with tigereyes, you'll never convince me with the mouth of creamaid and with RUMR trying to keep their alliance active that beyond tigereyes they are trying to test our metal and unity as an alliance.

This is all posturing by rumr.

My philosophy is if you are senior officer or a council memeber and even if you are wrong.......I'll stand with you. I may cuss your ass out later if you started the issue.......but I will stand with you right or wrong.

We are not talking about a player with refugee issues. This is our General and we must stand together and we cannot let rumr maneuver and talk so that they can try and figure an angle on us.

I think we have "TALKED" enough with rumr on this issue and we should tell them to pull these MWC's and any others that appear to look like aggressive actions or prepare for war!

Steam Giant

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by -space- Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:43 am

i like the part where we stand together right or wrong.....lol

also, i got really upset when i saw that this certain Tigereyes, who pushes our buttons in the wrong direction) is only a 100k point player to begin with.... lol!

Pirate King
Pirate King

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:42 pm

I think a limited hit on RumR to teach them a lesson in humility would be nice...
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Switch Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:56 am

They're dropping MWC's on our islands. I say we give them a global warning, if they don't pull them. We just go rampage mode and we/they can see what our alliance is capable off.


Number of posts : 39
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Ranger Will Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:34 pm

We just need to take control of the MWC's.

Ranger Will

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:03 pm

We need to let BGD fight it out with drogon, then I we will deal with the MWC"S, extremely harshly..
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Grim Reaper Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:01 am

ceaser angus wrote:We need to let BGD fight it out with drogon, then I we will deal with the MWC"S, extremely harshly..

[Ode to the ramblings of a man whom has dipped his cup into the batch of perfectly spiced ale a time or two past his fill]

Why are we still pushing this issue around after a months time? We entered into negotiations with an intent of solving the problem, an agreement could not be reached. It's obvious they want a war with the amount of floater towns they are scattering around the globe onto our islands. In the amount of time we are pushing the issue around, they are forming strike plans and raising their armies. It's time to take the bull by the balls and act like a top alliance. I'm ready for war, who's with me?

Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by -space- Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:36 pm

1st strike?

Battle for Theta HfQ (19.06.2010 18:55:50)
Attacker: Drogon of Tyr from The Executioner
Defender: BigGaYDave from Theta HfQ, -space hammer- from -Nitroade-
Outcome of the Battle

Enemies 240 (-0) 98 (-0) 18 (-0) 24 (-0) 136 (-4) 30 (-0) 60 (-0)
-space hammer- - - - - - - 0 (-1)

Enemies 20 (-0) - -
-space hammer- - - -
Allied Troops

1 (-0)

4 (-3)

-space hammer-

Pirate King
Pirate King

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Ranger Will Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:13 am

Grim Reaper has a point, the longer we sit around, the more vulnerable we are. I've been watching and RumR military scores have increased quite a lot.

I have a 1vs1 going on, but oh well, I'll just take 3.2k gen score and hide it so i don't lose it, cause I know he will be cheat about it.

So, we might as well settle this. Clear out and occupy the proxys and then see where it goes.

Ranger Will

Male Number of posts : 24
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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by Redneck0025 Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:19 am

I do think that we need to decide on what to do here and to be clear about it. If we are going to do something, it should be done quickly and everyone should be informed about it to help. The more we waffle on this it can give us the appearance of being weak and indecisive. At least with a decision, no matter what it is, we are showing unity. Just my opinion
Steam Giant

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by true_illusion Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:43 pm

I agree we have sat patiently with they have set 5 floaters on Dave alone, with no sign on them actually planning to stick to 1vs1.

Their military scores skyrocket as well, I think its time to light them up and put them in their place.


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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

Post by ceaser angus Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:52 pm

agreed, I put in motion today sorry for not updating.. :-( I some times for get to talk....
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Conversation with Tiger Eyes Empty Re: Conversation with Tiger Eyes

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