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Organizational Layout - Military

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:08 pm

The appointed General will organize under the following structure. He or she will appoint 3 deputies. One member to be Vice Admiral who is to organize the Navy from within the overall organization and Two Deputy Generals to command, control and make ready plans to make contact and occupy targets selected selected by the General.

When a Declaration of War or Police Action is warranted by the Senate and directed by the Leaders, The General is allowed the freedom to control who and where to attack and by what means. The Deputy Generals will organize a independent standing army under their control that will be able to shift troops when and where needed to accomplish the Generals laid out objectives. Each Deputy General will have Colonels based upon the size of the Army they are in control of. Each Colonel will control their Division and when warranted have a deputy to assist them. The Units beneath the Division will be Brigades. Each Brigade will be run by a Captain with a Lieutenant subordinate. Brigades will be 10 members each which can be broken down to two groups of 5 the Captain and 4 members, and the Lieutenant and 4 members.

AS of 6/10/2010 we are going to focus on setting up 2 Brigades under the control of a Colonel and reporting to the Assigned General. I'm looking to have this 1st Expeditionary Brigade to be within 2 hours of each other in location.

Last edited by Shastar on Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total

Male Number of posts : 62
Age : 48
Registration date : 2010-01-08

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by AgentZer0- Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:15 pm

Agreed. & Approved. Gen. BigGayDave. Long live the alliance.


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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Switch Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:28 pm

Like this one to, although seeing it on paper looks kinda complicated. That I must admit. lol


Number of posts : 39
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:37 pm

I wish I Was better at quick chart making it would look a lot better and easier to see.

Male Number of posts : 62
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Redneck0025 Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:53 pm

it does sound kind of complicated, but it also sounds like when we get used to it it could be very easy to follow and will also let all of us know who to get an answer from and who we should listen to instead of everyone giving out their suggestions
Steam Giant

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by ceaser angus Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:10 pm

sounds fun :-) How do we implement it?
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by nowhale Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:52 pm

I talked to shastar at length about this in skype, and I think I understand what he means. He wants to organize it kinda like how an army is organized. Using the Allied forces from WWII as an example, the senate is FDR and Churchill, the General is Eisenhower. The Deputy generals are Montgomery, Patton, and those other "army-specific" leaders, And smaller and smaller organizations

The senate will say who to attack, and will set priorities in conjunction with the General. Whatever plan they come up with, it will be up to the ones under them to accomplish their specific objectives.

I think this has a lot of merit, especially with the new combat system, we can avoid fighting big, prolonged battles (although seeing our size, those can be to our advantage), and even if we do, this organization allows us an efficient quickstrike ability. For example, in an island campaign with one or more big battles, we can get a squad or a fire team concentrating on navy, and during the appropriate time, they can coordinate and lock the island down. The land battles will then die out, from their side not getting any support. A quick attack on their sulfur islands to take out their troops as they are rebuilding will be the same way. Efficient and quick

Right, shastar? Razz

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:45 pm

That is the idea Nowhale, on its face this seems complicated but if I could find a quick and dirty way to chart it out I think it would look a lot simpler. We can insert or remove layers depending on how things work out and the needs of the Alliance in total. Ultimately I Think 3 Armies will be desired to allow two engaged and one in reserve. This also allows us to have one Army on duty at any particular time. One Army in a building cycle and one army in a down time allowing them to build up their colonies.

Male Number of posts : 62
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Registration date : 2010-01-08

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by ceaser angus Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:52 pm

well lets get this rolling, But it may have to wait until after the crap from RUMR dies down...
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Guest Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:19 am

I like it but its a bit complex. Easier if we just assign people and get volunteers. in delta.org we have squads and each have targets, when they finish their targets they go to the next targets of other squads. Navy people are hard to get IMHO


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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:29 am

This is my Military Overlay.
Organizational Layout - Military Milita10

I only broke down one branch but each would be duplicated under the Generals. then under the Colonels and under the Captains. The Captain is the lowest level of Command Authority. The Lieutenants are team Leaders, they act under the direction of the Captain and at His/her discretion to complete the Missions. This format allows each level of Military Command to have a backup in case something happens IRL to tie up someone.

I realized that most people are lax when dealing with the Navy so that is why I set up an Alliance wide Naval Officer to direct resources to support land/amphibious actions. If there is need to assign the Admiral a Deputy that can be done easily.

Male Number of posts : 62
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:45 am

I like the idea in its structured form but I feel that it is spread out to thinly.

IMHO i think we will be creating initially somethiing that is too complicated with the addition of 19 officer ranks in an alliance with 100 or so members.
I propose we eliminate the Vice admiral altogether. Put the armies and navies under the command of north/east Lt Gen and vice versus for the south/west.
I would suggest that we eliminate the Capt and LT's position initially and add them in when we need them. Just use a colonel and a Major or whatever is decided on. I think it will be alot more adaptable if we implement a smaller scale and add to it at a later time as needed. Surprised)

Steam Giant

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:14 am

You are close to what I Was intending but bottom up instead of top down. Start by organizing the Brigades first. Establish a Captain and LT so that each unit will have at least 2 people to try and find answers from or that can be called upon when the shit hits the fan. Then as we Create More Brigades and assign Captains to them who in turn select their LT's we create the layer required above them in this case the Division. So when we have 4 Brigades The General appoints a Colonel to oversee them. So initially over the next few days we will really only have the General and a Captain and his Brigade. Then by the end of the weekend I hope that we have organized at least one Division with 3-4 brigades reporting to him. Most Organizations start top heavy then try and find grunts to assign to all the leaders. Here I Want to grow from the bottom up. In Essence like filling a Swimming pool with water. It fills up at the lowest point first. This way we can hopefully keep things lean and mean. and when someone proves themselves at a certain level that gives the Commanding General actual Eyes on reference on who is worth promoting to the next Higher position. So on and So Forth. The Admirals position also doesn't need to be fleshed out immediately. I was laying these charts out to show what the final product should look like. This goes for the Civilian side also. Don't need a bunch of Deputy Governors when the Governor doesn't know what he/she is doing yet. L.O. Shastar

Male Number of posts : 62
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Redneck0025 Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:34 am

I think that this could work with the right implementation plan. The main problem that could occur is the people IMHO. If we get the right people in the proper positions then it could be a well-oiled machine. However, the wrong people and it becomes one giant cluster. I know we could be in a war soon, but I think that maybe we should proceed slowly on this to get it right. Overall, this could be a very good idea. Well done Shastar
Steam Giant

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by -space- Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:40 pm

nice job sha!

Pirate King
Pirate King

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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:48 pm

Was just thinking this while talking about preparing for the next battle. I think a requirement for Military leadership is maintaining the ability to deploy a floater City. That would go for each Brigade commander (Captain) and their appointed Deputy. (LT or whatever)

Male Number of posts : 62
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by nowhale Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:51 pm

Sounds good. Each squad should have an available floater, or else they're constrained to high-risk, high-cost military action. Preferably two, with each of the officers having one.

Male Number of posts : 232
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Organizational Layout - Military Empty Re: Organizational Layout - Military

Post by Shastar Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:55 pm

My exact thoughts. this allows us to deploy self contained Squads that can be reinforced, it also forces the enemy to contend with the number of squads we have deployed to an area instead of single island single MWC or whatever other strategy is possible. we put enough troops in each depoyed floater they wont be occupied by anyone BUT us. *grins*

Male Number of posts : 62
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