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HFX2 Empty HFX2

Post by nowhale Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:22 pm

MadMardigan (Coco on delta, if you know him), has been pillaging people and HFX2 has decided to multi him. This comes on the heels of a HFX player, Michael, threatening to come over and pillage him. Also, this is in spite of the fact that the player being pillaged is 800k, while he is 300k.

I'm sending a circ right now to get some support over. What other action should be taken?


Quick update,

I sent Michael a message. He's my neighbor. I'll send Ghettojesus, another neighbor, and who I think is their diplomat, a message too.

Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by Asmita Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:24 am

Yeah lets hear their side of the story.
Then we can give them hell....

HFX is all over the map so everyone can enjoy when needed. But sure its going to be hell..

Do we have the PT with TNT yet!!!! LOL!!


Female Number of posts : 204
Age : 42
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by Carsear Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:59 am

My troops are mobilized and heading that way.

Male Number of posts : 120
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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by Asmita Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:36 am

Ok guys, i know MadM is a frnd of may of you so no offense but here is something i thot of:
I have been talking to him quite extensively.

I would like to know what he means by multi attack. I have asked him too many times about the CRs and finally came to know that they have always attacked him single. Never together. What they intelligently did is one players attacks and finishes and then someone else comes in, after 10 mins to hit again.

So just be cautious before committing ourselves.

Of course, defense is always allowed.....

This was FYI....


Female Number of posts : 204
Age : 42
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by nowhale Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:58 pm

Regardless, getting attacked end to end by more than one player seems like trying to get around the bashing rule by using more than one person, and bringing superior forces to bear. All of that isn't tolerable.

However, I have come across some other info. According to GhettoJesus, an officer, and Michael, the person who threatened him, he used to be in HFX, and got kicked out.


From Ghettojesus

MadMardigan was Willow and a member of HFX. when he left he said he would be targeting HFX2. he has hit many small members of HFX2 and the HFX2 leader has spoken with ur Diplomat who said MadMardigan wasn't listening when asked to not attack any more HFX2 members and that he was going to be dismissed from HAHA. sounds like we have conflicting information but i know what has happened in HFX2 b/c i'm there now and have been for a couple weeks through this whole thing. so if u guys plan to keep sending to help him even though ur Diplomat said otherwise, we'd certainly like to know who to listen to.

if anyone is curious about the relationship between HFX and HFX2, it is very strong and we won't tolerate an alliance of vets picking on HFX2 which is comprised mostly of <200k ts players. we certainly have some farms down there as u'd expect with a training alliance but we're working on it.

i'd love to hear what's really going on with u guys from u b/c i'm hearing that there's a major plot to get HAHA involved against us to allow C4 to attack us.


From Michael

1st Mad Madigan was not directly threatened

2nd he has been actively pillaging many and I do mean many members of HFX2

He also got others of your alliance involved and there was looking for a while like there woud be a mini war

Ghettojesis fropped tag as fif Lady Extreme and they joined HFX2 to help out...O started to go on war footing and was ready to change to HFX2.

Apparently MadMadifan has repented his attacks on us.and the situation has calmed down/

Nyr fromour perspective he is a person who does not keep his word and is likely to create a war...on purpose. Which is why we did the alliance moves like Ghettojesus..


Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by nowhale Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:22 pm

Sorry for the double post. I asked MM what happened with him in HFX, since it was insinuated that he has a grudge against HFX. Here's what he said. I think that, the way it went down, he seems right. Regardless, we will continue to defend him, until they stop sending more than one person


ok,, its because I was fighting another guy in TMT,,, He pillaged me and called me a coward so I said something about him wearing diapers or something I cant really remember... BUT what happened is this HUGE ordeal where I was being attacked by this guy at several towns and a lot of people in HFX were becoming my friends but LADY xtreme started some lies about me being rebellious (LOL) and not apologizing to this guy,,, CLOE agreed that you dont apologize to a guy that attacked you first and continued to attack you,, So what if I called him a baby - SO eventually I told lady x that i would go ahead and do what she said and then she refused to accept my apology and booted me -

Sometimes I admit I do things the backwards way or the wrong way but in this case I WAS 100% right no doubt.. Now I remember that Lady xtreme was the home secretary of HFX if thats right?? and I think she is the one more holding the grudge then me,,, THe main reason I attacked HFX2 and also PAC was there was some HUMONGOUS FARMS with zero troops and like 500k goods,,,,. ITS really hard to explain any further,, CLOE agreed she was being absolutely Like a dictator and pushing me around just to show off her power... I really like HAHA and will do as you wish and either continue or Back off completely - I dont MInd FOllowing your leadership because I know you... (and LOL why are u in VIP in delta) and check out my new alliance AAAAAAAARGH!! sorry this is so unclear MM

Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by ceaser angus Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:43 pm

So basically its he said she said, and it really appears that no one is telling the whole truth...
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by nowhale Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:28 pm

Well, ghetto has corroborated the story. Except for the part where MM started it. Another person who was in HFX when this happened is agreeing with MM though.

I told ghetto we would be in a defensive posture until they stop, and would be parking troops in MM's towns. I also told him, as a sign of goodwill, that I would tell MM to stop, to which he has agreed to. Also that if by the 25th, Gamedate, that there are no attacks from MM, that they stop attacking, and call off any open battles.

It looks like we're giving them ground, but we're really not. We get to keep a police force in MM's towns, our members who want to can potentially get some action, and we get the hostilities to end at a certain date. How much better can we get it? Razz

Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by ceaser angus Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:36 am

Thor steps down because he is a complete fucking moron and should not be in charge of HFX2....
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

Male Number of posts : 399
Age : 53
Registration date : 2009-01-19

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

Post by nowhale Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:31 am

lol. how about we get a green CR, and they don't get to touch MM, as well as a 30-day NAP?

That's pretty much what we want, right? Razz

Male Number of posts : 232
Age : 37
Registration date : 2010-05-18

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HFX2 Empty Re: HFX2

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