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C4 Biznas - read and post.

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:55 pm

Ok so the story goes a little like this.

Jespen pillages Kakashi. (Kakashi had no military and lots of unspent resources).
Black Widow and Duke retaliate (separately). Duke returns resources taken from Caustic.
Caustic says he is telling his people to not attack
Saraphys starts attacking people.
True and others retalliate.

We have had a player called a farm. We have embellished this to make it sound like they called our alliance a farm.
Saraphys has CRs from attacking both bugmeat and biggaydave who shares islands with her. The point has been made she is attacking for the sole purpose of war. She could not scout out a 95% unsuccessful spy town.

We have had Saraphys threat war. See message here (courtesy of True).
Well hello Baby,

I would say I missed you, but that would be a lie. However, I am wondering if this is just a pillage and not an act of war..why did you NOT send any Cargo Ships?

Well, anyways..thanks for the excitment...

hugs and kisses


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:13 pm

war for kakashi's lost resources,lol...this is getting embarrasing.
if kakashi had no army at all,then he should live with his punishment...
i'm tired with noobs starting wars whenever they see fit,for whatever reason they can find.
meaning,black widow should learn to ask first,and do later.
retaliating for kakashi makes things even worse,as we now have 1,3 million player championed by someone with barely 400k...not only that he's called a farm,now kakashi looks incompetent too...
caught off guard is 1 thing,having someone else attacking for you is disgraceful...
post a DoW or let kakashi take care of his own business.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by true_illusion Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:33 pm

I think you miss the point here Damir.

First off, Kakashi was not the first victim of C4, just the first one that resulted in retaliation.

Second, There have been other attacks since Kakashi.

So talk of war is not based on one mans actions . Include in all of this, their diplomat has said he wants to work out peace and has ordered his members not to attack, yet repeated attacks have been launched indicating they have no intention of backing off as well.

My opinion is actions speak louder than words, you can talk peace as a diplomat all you want but its pointless if your members are going out of their way to pillage that particular alliance and sending war threatening messages.


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:38 pm

The point of this post is to gather information and make a consensus decision on c4.

Caustic and TheRock are very much involved in messages to me. It appears they really dont want war but like us, have many members who like war.

They have ordered a cease fire from all their members. I have ordered one from us as well just to give a weekend to cool off until CA gets back. If they break the Cease Fire. I think it would be the clearest sign we could get.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:42 pm

Damir, know this above all else.
You have no idea of Kakashi's contributtion.
When we demolished 2 alliances with war we took time off to build because we had left our fingerprints clearly upon Theta.
Kakashi has been upgrading for the next incursion.

We were attacked by our "so called friends" C4.

As for you my dear friend I'm tired of you holding on to the past with a cynical attitude about HAHA. Embrace the change or and contribute in a positive way or I'll lead the campaign like I did against the last member that shared your views Surprised
I've had enough and it ends now!

As for the rest of your concerns, Kakashi can take core of his business with swinging around to your isles to clean up. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE OUR ABILITY!

Now get back to cumbayaaa with your friends and let US as SENIOR Officers manage this alliance! Surprised

Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 173
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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:44 pm

I think if the c4 thing does cool off, we need to give our people some soft targets to hit.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:56 pm

perhaps that's true,yet it can't be confirmed...
all i'm saying,post DoW,rather than send 400k player to retaliate in the name of a millionaire...
we've been through this before,players not capable retaliating on their own...if we are not to stand idly,then DoW is only reasonable solution...
i know some members of C4,we were allies back in the days on eta...1 thing is for sure...they easily become bored,they are not builders and relish every opportunity to attack.
so,i expected such claims from caustic and i'm not surprised that sara didn't comply with his request...
so,i'm not missing the point...
i'm only unhappy with recent actions.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:00 pm

Its cool Damir. I appreciate your incite. I am not that familiar with c4, only became aware of them when they destroyed LaZy.

Lets see who breaks the cease fire first. Caustic seems like a good guy. I want to give him another chance to clean up his people's actions.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Redneck0025 Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:10 pm

I think we give this cease fire a chance. IF Caustic really does not want a war, then some time should be given to get his people under control. I also do not believe in just sitting idly by and waiting for them to build up and come after us with everything they have either. Hopefully someone is keeping an eye on the military scores for Theta. If more and more C4 members start jumping up in scores, we pretty much know what they are planning and should act accordingly. Tim, I do know what Kakashi did in our last war and have no problem with someone else defending him at all, but he did get caught with his pants down on that one. Defending him was a good thing, but having a non council member threaten war was bad.
Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 154
Age : 44
Registration date : 2010-01-06

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:44 pm

What do you mean "it can't be confirmed"?
It was told and I know my alliance members, that's enough for me!
WE DO NOT post DOWs because it limits us to being the aggressor.
We may decide to be the defender and let them waste gold on their offensive manuevers.
It's totally unnecessary to post a DOW b/c you don't need to break the bashing rule b/c it takes less than 6 attacks per day to squash someone.

You need to thank brbdc b/c he's the best DIP in Theta.
We're lucky to have him.
We have compiled the best players in Theta within an alliance that I've ever seen.
I wish someone would stand up to us.
You should have seen us b4 you all joined. Now that you all have. We're even better Surprised
And guess what, some that you may drag away might change their minds.
You would be surprised at the PM's I get. Utterly surprised Surprised

Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 173
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Location : Lexington, SC
Registration date : 2010-05-05

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:52 pm

Red above all else you know I respect your position and point of view.
My point is that Kakashi is no slouch and will not be spoken of in that mannerism.
You are exactly right that a non council member should not have that type of ability or authority Surprised
My only issue is with the constant onslaught that we are more incompetent than damir and we should elevated his position above our own rational thought b/c we are incapable without him.
Red, you know me........I despise that one member is greater than another. Or that one member is disposable Surprised

Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 173
Age : 58
Location : Lexington, SC
Registration date : 2010-05-05

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by nowhale Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:23 pm

i agree with brbdc's plan. Wait to see if they keep the ceasefire. If not, we go to war.

During the ceasefire, we increase our MS's and gold. And spend resources.

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Redneck0025 Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:54 pm

I do agree that Kakashi is no slouch at all and is definitely not a "farm". I loved how Duke proved that by attacking a member of C4 to prove that anyone with a large score has to hold large amounts of resources. To me no member is greater than any other, not saying that anyone is saying this. I do think everyone deserves to have their own opinion and be able to say what they want (everyone knows I do this lol), but as long as we keep it in here I believe it might be a benefit to have some disagreements. Sometimes that is not the case, but overall I think it has the potential to be good. I do agree with brbdc's plan of the ceasefire, as well as some building up our MS's and gold while others build up the right supplies (if they can defend them) like sulfur and wood as well as build up their gold. If we get into a prolonged war, sulfur and wood will be at a premium
Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 154
Age : 44
Registration date : 2010-01-06

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Redneck0025 Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:57 pm

Tim I do respect your positions on this and most of them I agree with. I know I might sound like a peacemaker here , but too much infighting here can be a big downfall for us as an alliance. Also everything I say is my own opinion here and if i offend anyone please tell me and I do apologize
Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 154
Age : 44
Registration date : 2010-01-06

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by true_illusion Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:46 pm

Well, the infighting is something that comes with mergers.

Different alliances have different approaches. Sometimes mergers turn people off from the newly formed alliance, and yet eventually in the long run people tend to find themselves going in the right direction.


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:05 am

Tim,when you say you will lead campaign against me,because i'm voicing my opinion(which is changeable,btw),what exactly do you mean?
perhaps you should consider having your own campaign,alone...
i think you got me all wrong,but i'm tired of explaining...
you tell me to respect what kakashi did in the past for ha-ha,and that's ok...
however,you are trying to tell me that i don't have past of my own...
because of the fact that i'm in ha-ha now...so what,i didn't fall from the sky...
if we are to gel as a unit,and i would really like to see that no matter what you think,than respect must be mutual...
i haven't seen any changes to external page...like we really fell from the sky,lol...would ha-ha become No.2 without hell?
maybe,but not so soon...but,if hell helped ha-ha to become No.2,and soon No.1(wait and see),why there's no room for hell's name on external page?
there's story about merger with gay alliance and you ask me to accept that gay gave you more?
if you can't take different opinion,sorry...but before you launch attack on me,try and find out who i am...might help you understand my ways...at least if you want me to understand yours...


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:18 am

Let's get the external updated.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:37 am

TheRock sent a message to me this morning. Renzy 900k TS attacked phidelt 200k TS player. I have not seen CRs but I asked for them. I think its appropriate to tell Renzy to repay the loses since he didnt read the Circ.


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:11 am

Renzy wrote "i did not ready the circular message IM SO SORRY"

I asked him to return resources to c4. and make good on it.

c4 have players that want to fight. They have asked if we don't want to all out war, then we might have some war games for fun or find a common target to hit.

Any ideas?


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by true_illusion Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:57 am

I would tell them we dont like threats, if they want all out war they know the process, otherwise stick their tail between their legs and hide.


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Redneck0025 Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:01 pm

As of right now there are 6 members of C4 and 5 members of OLY in the top 100 for MS. According to C4's alliance page they have a MDP with OLY and I was reading that OLY's war with RumR is soon to end. I dont know what the stats were before this but it might be something to keep an eye on.
Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 154
Age : 44
Registration date : 2010-01-06

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:35 am

We had 2 more break the cease fire last night

Reign is attacked Arcelor and
Duke hit an inactive


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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Redneck0025 Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:30 pm

does attacking an inactive really count as breaking the ceasefire? I thought in-actives were always open targets
Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 154
Age : 44
Registration date : 2010-01-06

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:09 pm

I think an active bulletin of targets for those members that like to pillage or fight might would help give them something to do.

As for c4, I still have issues with them attacking our members since we are friends supposedly Surprised

Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 173
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Location : Lexington, SC
Registration date : 2010-05-05

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C4 Biznas - read and post. Empty Re: C4 Biznas - read and post.

Post by Guest Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:08 pm

I think we need to start prepping for war.

We had multiple people break the cease fire. They broke it once.

Here is my last exchange with their leader. TheRock.

Read bottom up.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

brbdc wrote:
Well its clear. My alliance either Doesnt read circulars. Doesnt know how to read alliance tags or Doesnt care. I have sent like 10 messages out today saying keep off. I have only seen one CR of haHa breaking the cease fire but I believe it. If you could send me the rest of those.

At this point I need to talk to my officer people in the alliance. We are considering making people return 2x the loot stolen from c4 but this only works if you dont retaliate. If you guys start attacking back and position troops, MWC, then really, I cant stop it.

Let me know if you want to go through with the 2x loot penalty. If not then let your people know, as I have repeated the same message from you guys, that if someone from HaHa is attacked, the entire alliance will respond.

On the 24.10.2010 21:43 TheRock wrote:
> I wasn't aware of Duke hitting an inactive.. which one? Don't really care about that though.
> BigGayDave took a big swipe at Saraphys so some of us are moving troops to that island in case he does it again. At this point, we are taking the stance that if there is an attack on us, we will counter attack. It may be the player that attacked, it may be someone else. We will match it with one of our own. But we will not instigate an attack first.
> I hope you can put the clamps on your guys. I'm trying my best to keep mine at bay. But now the shoe is on the other foot and your guys keep pushing the envelope.
> TR
> On the 24.10.2010 16:28 brbdc wrote:
> > Alright. The two attacks that occured since I last logged in were:
> > Reign is attacked Arcelor and
> > Duke hit an inactive. Are there others that I missed?
> >
> > On the 24.10.2010 4:03 TheRock wrote:
> > > TheRock from the alliance Demolition Crew sends the following message:
> > >
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > I took over Jergens account so here I am. We have another one of your members breaking the cease fire.. Reign is attacking Arcelor.
> > >
> > > TR


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