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I am really starting to get annoyed

ceaser angus
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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Guest Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:24 am

We need a clear leader. Someone to step up and DoW or lay the line down. Im getting really tired of Dave getting bullied by these guys. Will someone start leading Please?

Battle for Theta HfQ
( 01.07.2010 19:19:48 )

Viking from Thor, Romulus II from TerraFirma
BigGaYDave from Theta HfQ

Swordsman............259(-0).... - ................................
Hoplite..............595(-5).... - Hoplite................0(-1)....
Sulphur Carabineer...217(-0).... - ................................
Gyrocopter............85(-0).... - ................................
Steam Giant..........159(-0).... - ................................
Battering ram..........5(-0).... - ................................
Catapult..............10(-0).... - ................................
Mortar................26(-0).... - ................................
Doctor................23(-0).... - Doctor.................2(-0)....
Cook..................33(-0).... - ................................
Spearmen.............150(-0).... - ................................
Generals......................-7 - Generals......................-1
Damage Received..............350 - Damage Received...............70

Winners: Viking, Romulus II

As the only thing left of BigGaYDave's army were the flight or artillery units, they have withdrawn.
The attackers won the battle because they penetrated the wall and because the defenders did not have any units on site to close the breach.


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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Guest Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:35 am

I never said I had permission. I said the leadership is well aware of why I was there and that my sole intent was to deal with BGD. Unless the messages got to me by fourth ear, I was under the impression that Hammers was fine with allowing those who BGD attacked to retaliate WITHOUT is going to full scale war.

True Illusion launched an attack on me without provocation. I messaged him/her immediately stating my intents and that leadership in Hammers knew about it. I urged him/her to stand down on their attack or MY leadership would be made aware that BGD is no longer acting on his own and that it can lead to a full scale war. True Illusion had ZERO interest in getting involved.

BGD welcomed me to the island and even urged me to come at him. Peppered throughout his directives were words of taunting and "if you dare" tactics. I went there ALONE and I wanted to deal with BGD by myself. Yopu can look at any CRs from that time frame and you would see I was by myself. There was no reason for TI to do what he did.

And that's all I'm going to say. Contact Mobros and I will do whatever I am told. If BGD urges me to "come get me" and then when I do he calls in his allied partners to deal with me... well this is going beyond the normal scopes of honorable warfare... that's a pretty cowardice move. I will go to war for such pettiness.

On the 01.07.2010 5:35 brbdc wrote:
> I am the diplomat from Happy Hammers and I am concerned about a message you sent one of our officers today.
> Today you inferred that if TrueIllusion doesn't back down there would be full scale war and that you had permission from officers in Ha Ha. Can you please give me the names of the officers you got permission from because I am an officer and so is True and we did not allow you to advance an occupation towards our members.
> Please reply. I messaging your leader next.

I just went to see what I said to TI. I made it very very clear it was between BGD and myself and that he should not be getting involved. This was immediately sent AFTER he launched an attack on me and while his troops were still en route.
We here at MLP believe that when you urge someone to come at you, you play a defensive roll and you can call in allied to help defend you. You don't call in allied to launch an offensive to snuff the attacks before they even happen. Obviously HA-HA believes something else. Anyways...

This is the exact message I sent TI:

On the 01.07.2010 2:49 MoreCowBell wrote:
>I'd advise you stay out of this. Your leadership knows what I am doing here and it is between me and Dave. Unless you want a full scale war I'd stand down if I were you.


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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by ceaser angus Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:45 pm

First of all I have no clue who this fucking retard is... Secondly we can only do so much.. Dave has a habit of farming people and then egging them on to attack him, then asking fro help. Now 1 vs 1 or even a 2 vs 1 can be a fair retalition depending on the circumstances.

As far as DOWing on them would only prove that we are bullys. As far a diplomatic department that falls on you to try and settle disagreements like this, and well if you can not handle it we can find somone else for the job.. :headbang:
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

Male Number of posts : 399
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Registration date : 2009-01-19

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by true_illusion Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:04 pm

This is my opinion based on the message ben received from Vanetia.

She knew more than one person was coming after Dave and felt it was acceptabe because they were smaller than him.

Either way, MLP doesn't dictate to us what our policies are and as for morecowbell, if a foreign invader invades my island with the puirpose of attacking my alliance mates, in my opinion it is more than acceptable for me to remove him, by myslef.

PErsonally, i think much like the RumR situation, we are a new formed group and MLP wants to see how far they can push us.

And also considering RumR is their "Bestest freinds in the world" i wouldn't be surprised if Creamaid wasn't influencing them in the slightest bit.

Also it was them who threatened war to us, not the other way around, if they didnt want iit then they shouldn't have threatened it.


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by true_illusion Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:11 pm

Also i should note, i dont know how long this situation has been to the attention of the leadership. So considering this topic is only 2 hours old, it is slightly hasty to be annoyed, but i think so far MLP has been completely ridiculous with their expectations.


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by true_illusion Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:13 pm

And one last thing, this is what their MWC has...

4 people already there not including the one i booted off the island and the incoming MWC. It sure looks like they had intnetions of 1vs1...

Battle for Polis
( 01.07.2010 21:07:34 )

True_Illusion from Terra Ryzin II
Viking from Thor, Romulus II from TerraFirma, Canhona from South Newport, Tman from Polis

................................ - Slinger...............58(-0)....
Swordsman............440(-60)... - Swordsman...........1099(-60)...
Hoplite..............670(-80)... - Hoplite.............1679(-65)...
Sulphur Carabineer...233(-7).... - Sulphur Carabineer...715(-0)....
Gyrocopter...........112(-0).... - Gyrocopter...........310(-0)....
................................ - Steam Giant..........299(-0)....
Balloon-Bombardier...142(-Cool.... - Balloon-Bombardier....32(-Cool....
................................ - Battering ram..........5(-0)....
................................ - Catapult..............10(-0)....
................................ - Mortar...............103(-7)....
................................ - Doctor...............133(-0)....
Cook..................30(-0).... - Cook.................213(-0)....
................................ - Spearmen.............172(-0)....
Generals....................-258 - Generals....................-426
Damage Received...........12,920 - Damage Received...........21,320

Created using DLR's Ikariam CR Converter: http://board.ikariam.org/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=56204 (Version 2.8.3: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50784 )


Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2010-06-08

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Switch Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:16 pm

RumR, MLP they both are a bunch of whiny kids can't handle a single person so they start doing shit, that we shouldn't take.

I'm getting tired of them pushing us around. Lets just DoW both of them, give the alliance clear orders rip them apart and move on. Cause the way things are going now.. its not good.

We got enough reason to DoW them. If they don't want shit, they shouldn't have started it.


Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty My 2 cents!

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:36 pm

brbdc a friendly suggestion for you to look at if you want too.
Sometimes a different perspective may enlighten a situation.

I would tell this guy that under no circumstances should he preconceive any notion that we will follow along any lines of what he thinks is acceptable.

If BGD says to all of theta "come and get me" and they attack 2 vs 1, then the gloves come off from us without a DOW. If TI and BGD attack together then what are they gonna do. This MF'er thinks he can tell TI to back down.
Tell him "hell no" and YOU will outline the conditions for........ him.

I think DOW's are counter effective b/c they force the alliance that iniatiates them to be on the offensive. I like having the lattitude of offense and defense. The only thing a DOW does is eliminate the bashing rule.
There are no rules stating we cannot attack 3 or more at our descretion.
I mean WTF more of a msg does an alliance need that they are at war if another alliance attacks 3 or more.

Steam Giant

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Guest Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:22 pm

First, I am not really as frustrated as the title gives. I am actually looking for a little action myself. I may go do what Dave does. I have shielded Dave for quite a while as Diplomat and I don't mind doing it. I have made alot of friends through the other alliances and that part I enjoy. Its been made clear to me that Vanetia is going to DoW us or send everyone after BGD. My frustration is that we are about to be attacked. I would like to see more initative and planning from leaders/generals. I am not looking for a DoW but I am looking for a plan of action. I will be attacking MLP when they are at Daves island. I will deploy my MWC as soon as I find a good spot


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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by ceaser angus Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:13 pm

Well I can not agree more with what Grim said in the circs, BGD goes and bloodys there noses causing them to attack back, True does what he needed to to defend his islands( I agree with this). What pisses me off we did a poll that poll stated that we would go after RumR yet BGD decided to play with MLP.. I can only do so much......
ceaser angus
ceaser angus

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by nowhale Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:14 pm

Ceaser, it's not about picking an alliance to fight. As far as I am concerned, if anyone has unprotected goods, any of our players has a right to pillage them. And If they start trying to overwhelm our player with numbers, the alliance steps in to protect.

To remedy this lack of coordination, we need to communicate faster, and arrive on decisions faster. We sat on rumr, even after they finally pulled their mwcs, for a few weeks. From the last message from lostsoul that you showed, they're willing to drop it, and since we took a little longer than we should've, it might not be a bad idea.

At the very least tho, we need to match the number of players MLP has sent to the island.

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:28 pm

I think we might want to consider floating the general's spot around to other members according to time availability. We have enough exp'd players that can lead troops.

I think that was brbdc's point about someone taking the lead!
Correct me if I'm wrong brbdc!

Steam Giant

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Grim Reaper Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:10 pm

I'm slightly offended, but open to your opinion. Tho in my defense - I've only been given the position since Sunday night. It was that very night I rallied people together for activities the next day. In the little time I've been given the position it's been my focus to take the lead, but you can only do so much with who is willing to work with you. Also you will note, I've never addressed the alliance with signing General, Grim Reaper to any of my internal alliance posts as I do not feel the need to put myself up higher then where we all should be as team players.

As far as availability, anyone whom has been watching can tell I'm practically living here. I'm on from the moment I step in from work to the moment I call it a night. One of the reasons I'm so opinionated is because I invest so much time here trying to make things work.

My intentions have always been for the best interest of the alliance and if ever I have come across less then appealing it's only because I care too much about the time I've invested here. Not because I harbor ill will towards anyone with in the alliance. Certainly not because I have any bad feelings towards Dave. If anyone thought me a little overboard with what I said, and this goes for Dave aswell you have my deepest appology.

Now with this being said and since it's a common reflection of thoughts that my being in this alliance is not in the best interest of the collective. I'll now take my leave and wish everyone the best of luck. I won't say we will never be on the opposite sides of the battle field. If lady luck should have it then it's never personal, it's just business.

I may feel differently in the morning and it may be something I'll regret, but I just do not want to stay in an alliance where you pour your heart into it and you get slapped in the face in the process.

Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Shastar Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:15 pm

As far as organizing that has basically been bottlenecked at my level and I am sincerely apologetic for it taking 2 months almost. my classes are over for the week and am again working on the good work. I've been extremely slow on defining my needs to those that have offered because I Have not had the time to devote to it recently. Will see how things go tonight and tomorrow on it.

Male Number of posts : 62
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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by -space- Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:45 pm

i say we stick together right or wrong.

no one needs to leave.

i also think that we need not declare a DOW. we just hit them as much as the bashing rule permits.

sometimes, wars are good. and i think we need one asap.

Pirate King
Pirate King

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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by TIMALMIGHTY Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:17 am

Sometimes word typing doesn't always convey what a person means or is trying to say.

I've seen in an alliance where the Gen's spot would be thrown around to various members to keep everyone updated on an ongoing basis.
Naturally, no one person can be online at all times.

I think the topic of this post is pretty clear and alot share the same sentiment. My suggestion was to hopefully remedy that. It was never a slant towards Grim nor anyone else for that matter. Hell, I nominated him to CA for the spot. I still think he has ability to manage it but I feel his response to a situation like this that flared up should have been somewhat similar to my in game post. "No 2 vs 1 on any member". Then the next statement should have been "I'm going in.......who's with me".

For me, it doesn't matter to me that Shastar takes the HS position at times. I don't feel slighted and I'm glad I have someone to share the position with. It wouldn't matter who takes the HS position as long as the person looks out for the members and the alliance as a whole.

I think bitching about BGD starting this is retarded. Obviously the rumr issue is at a snails pace and this atleast got us in some action. I think the point of the rumr issue was to do the same.

Steam Giant

Male Number of posts : 173
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Location : Lexington, SC
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I am really starting to get annoyed Empty Re: I am really starting to get annoyed

Post by Shastar Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:35 pm

This is kind of where my plan of positional duplication comes in. whoever is availible for a length of time should be assigned the title that gives out the data. we all know who is the general or Home Sec or whoever. But if that person is unavailble at the time it should be shifted to who can respond to the immediate needs. And thank you Tim for being understanding.

Male Number of posts : 62
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