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Occupations In-Depth

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Occupations In-Depth Empty Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:38 pm

So, this originated from a convo b/t Phineas and myself, pasted below. Read that first (bottom to top), then this next part:

So, there are a few scenarios I am curious about:
1. Your town (town A) -> occupy enemy town (town 1) -> occupy another town (town 2) -> deploy to an allied town from town 2. Can you cancel both occupations once your troops arrive at the ally's town?
2. town A -> occupy town 1 -> occupy town 2 -> pillage town 3 from town 2. On what journey do the goods go? from town 3 -> town 2 -> town 1 -> town A?
3. town A -> occupy town 1, but town B (another of your towns) is closer to town 1 than town A is. This isn't very common for me, but still curious. Does it ship the goods to town A or B?
*. Bonus question: Are there any computer science majors (I was!) who know how this works on the back-end programming (I don't)? i.e. I'm sure there's some form of linked list involved.



Be my guest!

On the 27.07.2009 5:24 ShauNotDeaD wrote:
> Yeh it won't let you. i've had that problem before, but i'm not entirely sure on all the details.
> I know what WILL work is moving those troops to one of your own cities, then you can cancel it.
> I'd be curios to know if it would work to move those troops to an ALLY's town, cause then they are good to stay there indefinitely. I'd assume this works,but can't make any guarantees.
> I think the reason for these limitations has to do with the programming. Occupations must "remember" what city they came from, to send the goods back (i'm pretty sure it doesn't just pick the closest city, though that's usually the case that you came from your closest city). So, they're essentially creating a "connection" of your troops to your occupation(s) to your town, and associating "missions" to that connection.
> Your troops in this conneciton are still on a mission, and will be until they return. Send them home and cancel both occupations. In the future, do the following: occupy, pillage rest of island, send troops home, cancel occupation, pillage previously occupied town. It's the only way I know for sure.
> Sorry, you live, you learn....
> -ShauN
> P.S. This is quite an interesting topic. Do you mind if I post this conversation on the forum?
> On the 27.07.2009 5:11 Phineas wrote:
> > Hey, I'm pillaging this island, so I occupied a town on that island and pillaged four cities. Then I wanted to pillage the city I was occupying so I sent all of my troops to another city on that island. Then, after all my troops were out of town A and safely in town B, I went to my palace and tried to end the occupation in town A but it wouldn't let me. it says that there is still a mission from that city. Help? Smile


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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:39 pm

Oh, please post your own scenarios I may have forgot, too Smile



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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:51 pm

Oh, a tip: oftentimes on such occupation missions, you may choose a low level town with low level port to be the occupied town (which puts you in a vulnerable position, because there is a low town wall there). Depending on your troop count in this town, this could mean a long load time when you want to head home, which is what you will experience if you choose DEPLOY TROOPS. Instead, go to the occupied town, choose SHOW MILITARY (the thing that takes the place of SHOW TOWN), and choose the town to return to in the dropdown, and hit the RECALL ARROW, and you will experience no load time. I have a feeling they may patch this in future versions, but maybe not. I don't know. In any case, it works now. Hope this is helpful.



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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:48 pm

1. tricky answer.
2. goods go back to you as soon as they get to "town 2"
3. before sending cargo ships to loot a town, go to your occupied town overview and change the destination. you can change where loot and troops return to with the drop down option.


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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by -space- Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:15 am

Has anyone tried doing scenario 1?

Pirate King
Pirate King

Number of posts : 711
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Carsear Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:05 am

3. Unless you change destinations as Pocketchange suggests, the loot goes to the city you originally sent the troops to occupy from even if another of your cities is closer.

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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:27 am

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks, all!

But the jury's still out on #1?


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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Zar Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:10 pm

when you move or are moving from town 2 to alliance member town you can cancel occupation of town 1... if you send your troops to attack or anything from the allied town you can cancel occupation 2... basically once they are on a mission from the new town you can sever ties to the old town(s)... but if they get back to the new town you cant.. its kind of like tricking it

Found out on delta i was pounding a guy into the ground and kept occupying and attacking his other towns then switching to make sure he didn't get to keep any resources...

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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:41 pm

Nice, thanks!


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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by wild915 Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:32 pm

"3. Unless you change destinations as Pocketchange suggests, the loot goes to the city you originally sent the troops to occupy from even if another of your cities is closer."

I just did this yesterday and my closer town obtained the goods not the one i pillaged from.

Male Number of posts : 11
Age : 38
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Registration date : 2009-07-18

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Occupations In-Depth Empty Re: Occupations In-Depth

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:52 pm

I think you are mistaken, wild915. I just pillaged from an occupied city and hit a guy 5 times with 50 ships. The first 3, I had the goods go back to one city that was further, then I changed the dropdown at my occupation to a closer city and had the next 2 pillages send the goods there.



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